About This Site
Welcome to DUExports!
Welcome to DUE. My goal for the site is to have a new place for ALL Dual Universe content. No matter what you are looking for, i hope you will find it here. Please help the site grow by uploading, or posting anything you may have available. Ships, statics, LUA, tutorials... anything helps.
- Post your Ships, Statics, LUA, and MyDU mods all in one place.
- Complete version control over your items. Show current, and past versions, with changelogs.
- Post your JSON exports for download. Also with version control.
- Download counters, reviews, and comment sections for all downloads.
- Like and follow your favorite builder, or item. Get notified of every release from that author, or even a new version of your favorite ship.
- Forums for DU and MyDU.
- Complete and customizable user profiles.
- On site Orgs you can start for info and users regarding your creations, or MyDU servers. Complete control over who can see, and enter your org. Keep users updated on YOUR content and server.
- Galleries for users to post images and videos. Create entire image galleries, and control who can see them.
- Post events for things happening in your Org or your MyDU server.
- Awards and leaderboards for using the website and what you do on it.
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